Suspect a Concussion?
Follow these three steps if you — or someone you know — experiences a blow to the head, face, neck or body and you suspect a concussion. Call 911 if you are concerned the injury is life-threatening, such as the person is unconscious, or they had a seizure.
- Recognize signs and symptoms of a concussion and remove yourself or the athlete from the sport/physical activity, even if you feel OK or they insist they are OK.
- Get yourself or the athlete checked out by a physician or nurse practitioner.
- Support gradual return to school and sport.
These resources are not intended to provide medical advice relating to health care. For advice on health care for concussion symptoms, please consult with a physician or nurse practitioner.
About the Concussion Awareness Resources
On July 1, 2019, new rules came into effect through Rowan’s Law, to improve concussion safety in amateur competitive sport. If you are an athlete under 26 years of age*, parent of an athlete under 18, coach, team trainer or official and your sport organization has advised that you need to follow the rules of Rowan’s Law you need to:
review any one of Ontario’s official Concussion Awareness Resources before registering or serving with your sport organization; and
review your sport organization’s Concussion Code of Conduct that they will provide to you; and
confirm that you have reviewed both of these resources every year with your sport organization(s)
* Exception: A sport organization that is a University, College of Applies Arts and Technology or other Post-Secondary Institution will be advising athletes of any age that they need to follow the rules of Rowan’s Law.
If you are involved in more than one sport
No matter how many sport organizations you register with in a given year, you are only required to review a Concussion Awareness Resource once within that year. You are however required to confirm your review of a Concussion Awareness Resource with each sport organization with which you register.
You are also required to both review and confirm your review of the Concussion Code of Conduct for each sport organization with which you register.
Additional rules will come into effect on July 1, 2020 that require sport organizations to put into place Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport protocols, to improve concussion safety. Glebe Little League will put the appropriate protocols in place to conform with these additional rules on or before the required deadline.
Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource E-Booklet
This e-booklet will help you learn more about concussions so you can keep yourself and others active and safe — whether you’re an athlete, student, parent, coach, official or educator.
You can download and print a copy for reference.
Resource e-booklet: Ages 10 and Under
Resource e-booklet: Ages 11 – 14
Resource e-booklet: Ages 15 and older
Glebe Little League Concussions Codes of Conduct
Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes & Parents / Guardians
Concussion Code of Conduct for Coaches & Team Trainers